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QANTAS: Broome to get brand new lounge, December 2024

QANTAS: Broome to get brand new lounge, December 2024

Broome already has a Qantas lounge. It’s about to get a brand spanking new one, in a different location.

The development of the new regional lounge started today. It will have double the capacity of the current lounge, in reaction to the greater number of premium Frequent Flyers using the airport. Broome Airport is also undergoing an expansion of its terminal which gives Qantas the option of relocating its lounge.

a man and woman in a room
Qantas Regional Lounge, Broom, food and beverage area [Qantas]

No longer a ‘one size fits all’ approach to lounge design

The Broom lounge is set to reflect the colours of the Dampier Peninsula, where Broome is located. This follows an established trend of allowing regional lounges to reflect elements of their locating instead of according to a centralised design concept.

The Broom lounge will reflect the deep red hues of the earth, and the bright oranges of Roebuck Bae, along with the blue tones of the surrounding sea.

The current lounge will remain open until the new regional lounge is completed.

Broome Flights

Qantas services Broome directly with daily flights from Perth. On a seasonal basis, it offers direct flights between April and October between Broome and Sydney and Melbourne.

a room with a large window and people
Qantas Regional Lounge, Broome, lounge and work area [Qantas]

2PAXfly Takeout

Qantas has committed to an AU$100 million lounge refurbishment program, and the Broome Lounge is part of this.

Lounge renewal was one of the Qantas projects that seemed particularly hit by the pandemic. The Adelaide Lounges are currently under redevelopment which will include separate Qantas Club and Business lounges instead of the up till now, combined lounge. Premium flyers currently can enjoy the physical facilities of what used to be the Adelaide Chairman’s Lounge, while the development is underway, with a completion date of June 2025.

a room with chairs and tables
Qantas T3 Business Lounge, March 2020 [Schuetz/2PAXfly]

The other lounge developments I’m waiting on are the Domestic and International Business Class Lounges in Sydney. Also the re-working of the Qantas First Lounge in Auckland. The Sydney International Business Lounge redevelopment was announced back in 2018, but the pandemic definitely played havoc with its proposed 2019 opening. Qantas is expected to reactivate those plans this year with an opening of ‘Stage One’ whatever that is, in 2025.

We have no word on the redevelopment of the Domestic Business Lounge, which has languished with a general lack or repair for some time since its 2008 opening. Admittedly, it has had some furniture and other cosmetic improvements in the meantime.

a chair in front of a counter
Qantas First Lounge Auckland 2023 [Schuetz/2PAXfly]

Qantas has also released concept images for its new Auckland combined lounges. But as of the 21st August 2024, the ‘first stage’ of the redevelopment, the removal of the wall between the Business and First lounge had not occurred.

This lounge refurbishment project really needs a kick in the arse. The promised improvements have been languishing for far too long.

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