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MALAYSIA AIRLINES: Reduces international flights by 10% due to ‘operational difficulties’

MALAYSIA AIRLINES: Reduces international flights by 10% due to ‘operational difficulties’

The Malaysian flag carrier is temporarily cutting around 10% of its frequencies to Australia and New Zealand. It is also reducing domestic Malaysia flights, some up to 40%. Other international routes, including to Asia will also experience reductions. These will run between now and December 2024.

Petronas Towers skyline with a pond and trees
Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [AdobeStock]


The reductions in the network operations are due to a range of issues mostly summarised by major supply chain issues which have seen delays in the delivery of spare parts and new planes. There are also some ‘manpower’ issues, which may include pilots, cabin staff and engineers.

This development follows some flight disruptions experienced in August.

For a full list of flight reductions including domestic and international, head over to Aeroroutes. For selected reductions for Australia and New Zealand, see below.

The 1 September to 26 October Australian and New Zealand reductions

Reductions in Malaysia flights between Kuala Lumpur and Australia and New Zealand destinations are detailed below. They cover the two months of September and October. Reductions from October until December will be announced later.

Sydney and Melbourne will experience the biggest cuts, with relatively minor reductions to Adelaide and Perth.

  • Kuala Lumpur – Adelaide 43 down to 40
  • Kuala Lumpur – Auckland 64 down to 54
  • Kuala Lumpur – Melbourne 112 down to 78
  • Kuala Lumpur – Perth 96 down to 91
  • Kuala Lumpur – Sydney 115 down to 77
a man looking at a seat in an airplane
Business Class on Malaysian Airlines MH140, Airbus A330, June 2023 heading to Kuala Lumpur [Schuetz/2PAXfly]

The 27 October to 31 December Australian and New Zealand reductions

The reductions in these months are less drastic with Adelaide and Auckland only losing one flight each.

  • Kuala Lumpur – Adelaide 46 down to 44
  • Kuala Lumpur – Auckland 76 down to 75
  • Kuala Lumpur – Melbourne 132 down to 124
  • Kuala Lumpur – Perth 113 down to 97
  • Kuala Lumpur – Sydney 141 down to 132

Gilbert said the adjustments to MH’s network were due to major supply chain issues, including delays in the delivery of spare parts and the arrival of new planes. 

Return to normal

Giles Gilbert, Malaysia Airlines Regional Manager Australia and New Zealand has said that the normal schedule should be resumed from 1 January 2025. By that point, Malaysia expects to have received additional aircraft, and have them in operation.

an airplane on a runway at night
Flight MH140 waiting for us at Sydney Terminal 1 to take us to Kuala Lumpur [Schuetz/2PAXfly]

2PAXfly Takeout

The airline industry was quick to remove staff during the pandemic and has found it more difficult than imagined to recruit post the travel lockdowns. Malaysia is not alone in having to cut services, but these reductions are dramatic.

No airline or aircraft or engine manufacturer seems to have predicted the bounce back in travel demand, and so, the industry has been caught with its proverbial pants down.

These reductions are well timed, being at the beginning of the Australian summer, and mostly before the Australian school holidays.

I spent my first holiday in Malaysia, specifically Kuala Lumpur and Georgetown Penang, and can certainly say it is a wonderful travel destination. Those trip reports are in the pipeline.


  1. Josh

    *Malaysia Airlines

    • 2paxfly

      Oops! Thanks Josh. I’ve fixed the headline.


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