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BORDERS: Digital Australian Travel Declaration trial for arriving travellers

BORDERS: Digital Australian Travel Declaration trial for arriving travellers

Border Force, who are tasked with protecting Australian borders have announced the trial of an Australia digital Travel Declaration. This will replace the current Incoming Passenger Card for travel between New Zealand and Australia.

Currently, the Incoming Passenger Card is completed by all arriving passengers whether they hold an Australian or foreign passport. As well as personal information, the card records whether you have anything to declare at customs. It also requires your intended Australian address and where you have come from.

Auckland Airports re-opened and re-designed Premium Check-in area {Air NZ]
Auckland Airports re-opened and re-designed Premium Check-in area {Air NZ]

Digital Trial with Qantas

A paper version of this form, usually completed on flights as you arrive, is swiftly becoming outdated. Many countries have already adopted a digital version of the card. That includes our neighbour, New Zealand with its digital Traveller Declaration (NZTD). During the transition period, you can fill in the digital version online, or the paper version on your arriving aircraft.

Australia is about to adopt the digital version, with a trial in partnership with the New Zealand government and Qantas.

The trial will be available on selected Qantas flights between New Zealand later this year. The form can be completed within 72 hours of intended travel.

Once the online form is completed, passengers will be sent a digital pass within the app and to the email address of their choice. This will include a QR code, that can be shown on arrival to Border Force officers.

Once the pilot is complete, Border Force intends to roll out the process to other airlines.

a building with a door open
Sydney Airport, Airbridge arrival [Schuetz/2PAXfly]

2PAXfly Takeout

Let’s hope that once successful, this digital version of the incoming passenger card can be used by passengers travelling to Australia from other destinations as well as New Zealand.

I’m not too fussed with this, and don’t mind completing the current physical incoming passenger card. I always have a pen in my travel wallet, along with paper copies of my airline itinerary and hotel bookings etc. The immediacy of completing the form before arrival has an appeal for me. I have a feeling that the digital version will just become another thing I can have anxiety about completing before my travel!

Still, its a digital age, so bring on the digital version. At least it won’t be another app to clutter up my smartphone if its incorporated into the airline’s existing digital applications.

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