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REX FLYER: Loyalty program. See you again, or goodbye?

REX FLYER: Loyalty program. See you again, or goodbye?

It seems like just before REX went into administration it launched a loyalty program called — REX Flyer.

That’s actually true. The scheme launched in July and the administrators were called in at the end of that same month.

As a member of that REX Flyer program, one of the Administrators Sam Freeman got in touch a couple of days ago.

a display case with hats and pens
REX, you still have merch to get rid of ! [Schuetz/2PAXfly]

REX Flyer suspended

Like everything else to do with the airline, everything is up in the air, including the loyalty scheme. The one thing that doesn’t look like it is still in the air is capital city to capital city flying.

Sam, is one of three administrators of the airline. The others are Justin Walsh and Adam Nikitins. They took over last week at 9:30 pm on the evening of Tuesday 30 July.

Rightly they have been concentrating on keeping the airlines’ vital regional services running, so things like loyalty schemes and advising their members of what is going on have taken 2nd or 3rd or even lower down the priority list.

a screenshot of a phone
Screengrab of the email from Sam Freeman

The Email

Here is my interpretation of what the email to members of REX Flyer tells us. The headings are my summary, the quotes are the email verbatim:

Capital city flights are cancelled, but regional flights remain

‘While we had to make the difficult but important call to cancel services between capital cities on our Boeing 737 jets, I am proud to say that Rex continues to service regional Australia through the Rex Saab 340 fleet.’

Benefits and points still accrue

‘I’m pleased to let you know that during the period of the voluntary administration, Rex Flyers will continue to be able to enjoy the normal benefits you receive under your membership tier.

‘You’ll also be able to continue to earn Rex Points as usual, including bonus point earn amounts for tiered members.’

Redemptions — to be determined

‘These points will be redeemable only in the event of a successful restructure of Rex that specifically seeks to maintain these points, and while we can’t guarantee the outcome of this process, it is our current expectation that such a restructure is the likely way forward for Rex.’

We know we are disappointing you, but what can you do?

‘While we recognize you likely want more certainty around how and when you can use the points you’ve accrued, I want you to know that your patience and understanding while Rex undergoes this process, is directly helping to set the airline up for future success.’

Platitudes, but we are doing our best

‘As a Rex Flyer member, you are a vital part of Rex’s future. We are counting on your support as we map the long-term prospects for Australia’s biggest regional airline.

‘We are focused on getting Rex through administration and securing a future for the airline and will continue to update you as the administration progresses. ‘

a sign in a room
The Adelaide REX Pro Hart lounge. [Schuetz/2PAXfly]

2PAXfly Takeout

Look, thanks, Sam. I’m kinda flattered that you communicated with me as a ‘loyal flyer’ so soon, especially since I have only flown with REX once. Actually, as a member of the loyalty program, you ‘spoke’ to me first. As a shareholder, I’m still waiting to hear from you. Guess that will be when you know something that you can actually tell me.

Good effort Sam. But, get back to sorting out the continuing ability of the airline to fly aircraft and deliver services to regional and other destinations. I’m not bothered whether that’s through a sale or restructuring.

On the ‘REX Flyer’ front, Sam, I’ve kinda kissed those loyalty points goodbye, in the same way, I have let go of the value of my shares in your airline.

Regards . . .

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