COVID-19: QR code vaccination certificate reader ready for iPhone and incoming passengers

The Apple store is now hosting a new app based on the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s ‘Visible Digital Seal’ technology, which gives Australian officials the ability to scan vaccination certificates. According to the SMH these COVID-19 certificates are scheduled to become available to vaccinated Australians on 1 October.
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Border Discussion
Australian cabinet’s national security committee is meeting today to work out the details of international border re-opening in a COVID-19 world.
The new App is called the ‘VCS-NC Checker’ – catchy title huh? The description of the App states:
‘… developed in conformity with World Health Organization guidance on digital secure vaccination certificates.
If the QR code is authentic, the app displays the most important information from the certificate, including the holder’s biodata and COVID-19 immunisations,” the description states.
The app displays information to indicate if the QR code is not a VDS-NC, or if it is not authentic.’

The App has been developed in conjunction with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in keeping with the WHO guidance on digital secure vaccination certificates.
At the moment according to the SMH, the app can currently only authenticate Australia issued vaccination certificates but will be updates so it can read certificates from other countries – soon.
Stop Gap
This App is a stop-gap measure until the Digital Passenger Declaration – which will apply to all travellers entering the country is developed by Accenture – who won the government contract.

Remember that the current digital certificates do not contain a security feature like a QR code. Once the certificates that will contain the QR Codes to scan are available, they will be downloadable from the Australian myGov website.

2PAXfly Takeout
This is another timely reminder to wear your seatbelt when seated. Holding you close to your seat will protect you from the sort of injuries sustained on this flight, when unsecured passengers flew to the ceiling of the aircraft, and then came crashing down once the ‘drop’ ceased.
The hope will be that this is an anomaly – a ‘freak accident’ in casual parlance. If it is a systemic error either mechanical or electronic, then this is a larger concern for the airlines that fly Boeing Dreamliner 787 aircraft. Let’s hope it isn’t. If it is, it will pile on the woes to Boeing’s existing stack.
This seems a bit all over the place.
The WHO standard has been around for a while, as has the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s Visible Digital Seal. I know these things can get complex really quickly, but why couldn’t the Australian Government get its act together and rolled out a solution incorporating all of this in a single App, or god-forbid, coordinated with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and their Travel Pass Initiative to have a total solution for air travellers?
I have a feeling that this whole vaccine authentication system combined with the testing regime required to enter some countries is going to turn into an even bigger shit-show than it already is in Europe!
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