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2PAXFLY: The website has been having difficulties today. My apologies.

2PAXFLY: The website has been having difficulties today. My apologies.

Hi readers, This site has been a little up and down today. Seems like an updated plugging that conflicted with the version of PHP we were using was at the cause.

If you run a website, you will know the creeping horror of knowing it’s not working and the patient but mind-numbing systematic trial and error you have to go through. Thanks to the people at SiteGround, my mate Ivan at Flow Interactive, and Pavel and a few others at Elegant Themes for persevering and assisting me in finding the issue.

We are not quite out of the woods yet. The site is restored and functioning, but I still have some detective work to do to find the actual culprit.

In the meantime, I hope to get back to posting tomorrow.

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