COVID-19L Australian Capital Territory goes into lockdown

The ACT has been COVID free for months, but with the reporting of a case, initially from sewerage monitoring, they have gone into a sharp lockdown for 7 days, starting at 5 pm today, Thursday 12 August.
The lockdown will last for an initial 7 days
This comes with the reporting of a positive case of a man in his 20’s who has been in the community for the last 5 days and moving around extensively, thus creating a load of potential exposure sites.
Expect a strict and strictly enforced lockdown given recent experience in NSW and Victoria.

COVID-19 Travel Restrictions Updates
Hoping the links above will help keep you up to date.

2PAXfly Takeout
This is another timely reminder to wear your seatbelt when seated. Holding you close to your seat will protect you from the sort of injuries sustained on this flight, when unsecured passengers flew to the ceiling of the aircraft, and then came crashing down once the ‘drop’ ceased.
The hope will be that this is an anomaly – a ‘freak accident’ in casual parlance. If it is a systemic error either mechanical or electronic, then this is a larger concern for the airlines that fly Boeing Dreamliner 787 aircraft. Let’s hope it isn’t. If it is, it will pile on the woes to Boeing’s existing stack.
Please, everyone, reduce your movement, treat everyone as a prospective COVID carrier, keep your distance, wear your fucking mask, get tested if you have the slightest symptoms, or if you have visited a contact area, and get vaccinated – twice.
Don’t be dickheads like those ‘mouthbreathers’ who only wear their mask over their mouth or chin, exposing their nose, or hang around in public places without masks while eating or sipping their coffee!
Stay home! Some of us would like to end lockdown as soon as possible, so we can travel!!!
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