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You will be judged if you wear Ugg boots in Qantas Business Class

You will be judged if you wear Ugg boots in Qantas Business Class

A woman with good shoes is never ugly.
Coco Chanel

One of my favorite occupations on Saturday Morning is reading the Letters to Traveller in the Sydney Morning Herald’s Traveller section.

They provide me with endless amusements. Usually, its the outrage of non-frequent travellers, that airlines can bump them from a flight, or don’t have their first choice meal in economy (coach), or an airline wouldn’t upgrade them even though they weren’t feeling well.

Sometimes, there are letters from flyers thanking the staff of a particular airline or travel company for going way above and beyond. But mostly its gripes from the unfamiliar or the entitled.

Well, this Saturday there is a choice letter from a women who wore Ugg Boots in business class and got ‘looked down upon’ for wearing them by the flight staff.

 photo uggs2.jpg

I say – correct call – from the flight staff.

You are not only inviting judgment, you are saying – ‘ I am deliberately looking like a white trash bogun, so judge me and watch me resent it‘. And you are doing this to what are in my opinion some of the most experienced and well trained non-discriminatory Flight Attendants in the world – Qantas hosties.

a person's hands on a brown boot

‘Tired’ is no excuse

Ugg boots are vile and slovenly. They make a very annoying ka-shuffle, ka-shuffle noise as you walk, even on carpeted surfaces. They are the equivalent of a floral crimplene quilted housecoat with egg stains. If worn at all, you should never venture beyond the front door.

Normally, I wouldn’t have, but I’d been working on an archaeological dig in Jordan and was physically exhausted, and I just couldn’t fit them in my suitcase.

This is no excuse. You are in Business Class. You could have asked the lounge or flight staff for a bag, which they would have given you, where you could place your stinky nasty eyesores, and then stow them discretely in the overhead locker.

Instead, you chose to display your horrid little secret, and then get all uppity when a discerning flight attendant judged you.

I understand UGGs aren’t Louboutins, but at the same time, the crew knew nothing about me but made a judgment based purely on my footwear. My money is just as good as everyone else’s and I really didn’t deserve to be made to feel unworthy.

Oh yes, I think you did. And your choice of footwear told them everything they needed to know.

If your hair is done properly and you’re wearing good shoes, you can get away with anything.
Iris Apfel

Julia, do we need to talk about projected guilt? Hmmm?

You might be able to afford a Business seat, but you can’t buy class.

Thanks, you can take the soapbox away now.

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.
Marilyn Munroe

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