I just paid how much to rejoin Qantas Club and get these facilities?

I wasn’t going to report on this – because I figured it was my stupidity that got me into this, so I shouldn’t carp about it.
Through every fault of my own, I overlooked the renewal date for my Qantas Club membership. I won’t go into the false calculation I made about the extension to my membership because I had attained gold a year or so ago, nor will I bemoan the fact that it fell due while I was overseas, using a QANTAS FARE TO GET ME THERE. I won’t mention that the consultants were unrelenting (but polite) about insisting that I had to pay the initial membership fee of AU$385 (-10%) again, even though I HAVE BEEN A MEMBER (continuously) SINCE 1995.
That would just be beneath me.
I will, however, thank the consultant that in conversation realised that I was a member of the Qantas Business program, and therefore was entitled to a 10% discount. But I won’t go on about the four phone calls I had to make before they finally phoned me back so I could actually join, which they couldn’t do previously due to a COMPUTER ERROR.
Nor will I detail the delicate balance, and economic modeling I had to do to work out whether it was worth my while to pay the rejoining fee, rather than spend my time hanging around the Krispy Kreme counter at Sydney’s Terminal Three, instead of sipping passable sparkling wine, working, and drinking better than passable coffee in the Qantas Club.
But today, I was actually in the Qantas Club lounge in Sydney waiting to head off to a flight, when I availed myself of the gentlemen’s facilities. Now, I have oft thought that they could do with a bit of – I believe the polite term is ‘refresh’, but I think this takes the cake.
Notice anything missing?
Alan, get out of the Chairman’s lounge, and visit the Qantas Club gentleman’s facilities, and see if you think they are fit for purpose? And, I do mean any purpose that a gentleman’s facility is usually used for in a civilised society.
Thank you, that is all.
What did you say?