Welcome to the new 2PAXfly

Hi to readers old and new.
2PAXfly, like a gay divorcee, has had a bit of a make-over.
We slung some starving artist a bit of cash and got a new logo, bribed some tech-heads to give us a new website platform, and sweet-talked our way into getting some cute graphics guy to do a redesign.
Improvements Ahead
Don’t be fooled by the pretty shiny things though. The real improvements are ahead, with more, and more regular content. I have a whole host of trip reports to bring you covering everywhere from Cambodia, Hong Kong and Macau, through to Saint Petersburg (the one in Russia, please!), Barcelona, the Orkneys, and even Fiji. Although you will have to wait until September for that one.
We’ve also cobbled together a weekly newsletter for you to sign up for.
More ahead
But there is still a lot to do. Expect to see a facelift’s full of nips and tucks over the next few weeks, as we roll-out content, hammer together some improvements, and sieve through some refinements.
I hope you find – like the onion domes in the image above – a few shiny things that attract your eye, sharpen your wit and broaden your travel knowledge.
Have a poke around, feel free to frighten the locals, have a word in the comments, and sign up for another (un)welcome email in your inbox.
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