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When is a virgin really a virgin?

When is a virgin really a virgin?
a plane flying in the sky

Virgin Blue /  V Australia is to re-brand as Virgin Australia as tipped by Australian Business Traveller who have been sleuthing amongst domain name registrations and come up with the fact that Virgin Enterprises Limited (the holder of the virgin trademark amongst other things) registered the domain name on 21st March. No link is provided, because it currently doesn’t get you anywhere.

This is no big revelation, they were tipped to rebrand mid year, and presumably just had to drink the financial cool-aid to use the monicer, which I believe was licensed to Singapore airlines as part of the Virgin Atlantic brand.

Whether V Australia will be able to use ‘Virgin Australia’ outside of Australia is a moot point.

We may not have to wait until June to find out, as ABT suggests it might happen earlier.

For consumers, it will make sense to have Virgin Atlantic, Virgin America, and Virgin Australia. It might make the Virgin airline group sound more like an actual international airline, rather than a bunch of franchisees. Adding Virgin Pacific would just make it perfect!

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